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Individual Membership: $12/yr

Family Membership: $18/yr

School Staff: $10/yr

Monday, May 5, 2024


Sandown Central

Coming Up Soon


    PTA Meeting

May 5th, 6pm @ Central

     The Sandown Parent Teacher Association (PTA) brings together parents, teachers, and school administration in a partnership. Together we work to enhance the well-being and education of the children in our local schools. The Sandown PTA plays a vital role by providing the organization and funding for a variety of educational programs, parent education, scholarships, family & school events, as well as field trips. 

     Sandown PTA is proud of its affiliation with the New Hampshire PTA and National PTA, the oldest and largest volunteer association advocating exclusively on behalf of children and youth. All parents are encouraged to join and be part of this wonderful association. It is a rewarding experience and one of the best ways to get involved in our children's education. 

Why should I join the PTA?

      The Sandown PTA offers all parents and caregivers the opportunity to engage in their child's potential. Being a member means that you are part of a powerful association and action plan that is focused on programs and initiatives that strengthen your child's education.  Your membership will allow you to follow along or participate in everything we have planned for the school year!  Join the PTA for your child because increasing our membership, even by ONE, makes it possible to provide important educational resources, speak up on important issues and create a stronger school community. 

How much time do I have to commit?

NO!  Meetings are not mandatory. We would love to have each member join our meetings. However, we know everyone has busy schedules and  sometimes you can't break away from your family.   If you want to partake in meetings virtually, reach out to an officer and we can arrange that.

Do I have to attend meetings if I join?

You choose how involved you want to be. If you want to help with an individual event, great! If you want to grab supplies and drop them off, perfect! If you'd rather just donate money and call it a day, we'll take it! Donate snack or drinks for concession stands, awesome! We don't track hours or donations. We are just a bunch of parents and guardians that want to offer what we can to help support our children and teachers. 

What do you do with my dues?

A lot!  PTA Membership dues support your child by funding essential educational and curriculum needs; advocating on behalf of children and educators at the local, state, and national levels; building an inclusive school community, and hosting fun events.  Your dues support our work to strengthen connections between your family, your child's classmates and their families, and teachers to build a thriving and inclusive community for everyone.